What can I do if I'm having difficulty printing or opening a PDF?

1. Please work from a computer, not a tablet or phone.
2. Since I use the most up-to-date PDF software, please update your Adobe reader: https://get.adobe.com/reader/
3. If you are on a Mac, view it in Adobe Reader, not “Preview”.
4. Another suggestion is clicking “print as image”.

I entered my name for a FREE download, but I haven't received it. What should I do?

Please be sure you have:

1. Entered the correct email address
2. Waited at least 10 minutes
3. Checked your Spam or Promotions folder

*If you are still having issues please email renee@theteachertourist.net for help.

What are bundles?

Bundles are related products that save you money. The bundles will provide you with a lot of resources in just one download.

I need more help or support. What should I do?

First of all, know that you are AMAZING. Sometimes even AMAZING people still need a little help every now and then!

I'm always here to help guide you to incredible performance in your classroom. Here are a few ways to get even more support with The Teacher Tourist resources:

*Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for tips, ideas and to ask your questions.
*Check the blog. I have so many blogs that you’re sure to come across something helpful.
*If you still have questions email me! Contact renee@theteachertourist.net and I’ll be happy to answer your question.